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People are afraid of change. Change can be scary. However, there comes a time where changes need to be made. The status quo is not getting it done. I have read that having a major change in your life like a move, job change can be more trying and frustrating than almost anything except losing a loved one. Now that is scary. The four biggest things that people find difficult with change are:

  1. Fear of Failure - are you changing something that has worked and now your fear that doing it a different way will create failure. Were you force to change and the new things are worrisome. Don't get me wrong I love to win. However, I hate to fail/lose. I hate losing more than I like winning.

  2. Pressure of Winning - you have changed something big and now people are noticing you. There is a fear of pressure when more and more people expect you to continue your winning ways. Some people can thrive in this pressure but most will crumble and fall apart.

  3. Pressure of Losing - you have changed something big and now people are noticing you. This fear is when your changes create failure. Loss of income, loss of confidence or any number of other losses that continues to grind you to pulp.

  4. Doing things a NEW way - change almost always brings about changes in the way you have to do things. You work for a new boss, a new company or whatever and you have to do it their way. This can be scary especially if you have done similar work different way and had success. Your ideas and experience can help or create anxiety.

I am not a worrier (typically). I have been able to roll with the punches every time they are thrown. There are all kinds of things that we have to do to adapt to our surroundings every time there is change. Big change or little change we have to adapt and survive. I am here to tell you that there have been several major changes in my life over my 50+ years of breathing. Getting out of your comfort zone from time to time will do you good. Stretch your personal boundaries to the max be prepared for changes. Life will go on. You have people that love and care for you. No matter what your friends and family will always be your friends and family.

When you have to make a change deal with it. We are all here to help. Change can make you appreciate what you have, what you are working toward, and can make you a better person. It can provide different vantage points. It can provide you with more experience. Change is good. Changes in your life can do so much for you. Make you more flexible, logical and helps you grow. Keeps your life interesting and leads to progress. Make sure that you can handle change as it is completely inevitable.


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