Can't stand it anymore. My summer baseball tournament business is dying. The governor has everyone so scared to be normal that none of my regular fields will allow out of state players on the fields. Oh my word!!! What are we afraid of? Covid? The same people that are making these decisions for field use are probably the same people that pack in like sardines at Lowe's and Walmart. It's over people. We are not afraid anymore. No one is going to sue you if they catch Covid because, if someone does get it ,how are you really gonna know where they got it.
Basically I need to vent since I am struggling to find fields in Central Kentucky. If you guys know of any fields that might be available starting July 1 please let me know. I have adjusted, pushed, pulled and beat on doors to try to get some fields for my events. I am not having any luck. I need 2020 to be now!
Sorry for the rant but when I can drive 75 miles to Ohio and 100 miles to Tennessee or 85 miles to Indiana and play baseball with basically no restrictions you just have to stop and wonder what the heck. Told Tammy the other day that if we don't get back to it soon we are moving. I kind of said it as a joke but it if feeling more and more real everyday. I honestly heard that they are still talking about banging football season. Are you kidding me?
I just need one school district to come down on the side of normalcy and open up for some games. I feel it would work like dominoes, once one allows it then others would follow. Whose with me. Let's go be the first Central Kentucky School District to open up your facilities for some baseball. Allow us to bring in teams from other counties and states and drive some revenue back into our little town. Lexington's tourism bureau would appreciate the revenues from hotels, restaurants, gas and convenience stores, and other businesses that get those travel team dollars. If you need some hard numbers just give me a call. I am sure that my hotel group would gladly be able to shoot out some revenue projections based on a 8, 12, or 16 team tournament being held in Central Kentucky.