Not really...just been very busy with Champions and PGBA tournaments. I have been thinking about several items to share with you guys but haven't really been able to focus on anything in particular for a while. I just felt that I need to put something down to give you something to think about while you are flipping though facebook or if you actually subscribe to this blog.
Hot that's what it is is hot. Outside is smoking but I love it. I would take 90º over 30º anytime. When it's hot we get sticky and sweaty but at least I don't hurt all over. The cold stings your skin and makes your bones ache. Guess what's much more pleasurable to play baseball when its hot rather than when it is cold. I have been listening to people on facebook complain about the heat. Every time I think about how hot it is I just try to think about how it feels outside in January and February and I am relieved that I am wearing shorts and a tee shirt and not seven layers of clothing and still freezing.
Now on the other hand the rain. Whoever is praying for rain please start praying for my bank accounts. I mean c'mon can we get a little break from the never ending thunder storms. The average number of inches of rainfall in Kentucky is 64.35 inches averaging from 1895 - 2011 with more than half of that falling between April and September. In 2018 Lexington alone we received almost 72 inches of rain and other places in Kentucky got as much as 87.5 inches. Dang that's a lot of water. It seemed that it started raining last July and really hasn't stopped. Feels like it rains every day, just say'in
Baseball season is almost half over. You know what that means? On Monday July 8th is the 2019 Home Run Derby and on Tuesday the 9th is the Mid Summer Classic - the 2019 All Star Game from Jacob's Field in Cleveland, OH. Can't wait. Fun Fact - my dad took me to Cleveland, OH for the 1981 All-Star game at the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium. Vice President George Bush was there and so was the Kissing Bandit Morganna. She ran out on the field and kissed Len Barker (Cleveland Indians Pitcher) during the game. I was there.
Coach Bale