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Old Glory

This one will be short. There is enough on the mainstream media about the football players that have joined together to not honor our country for what ever their reasons. However I will say my piece. I have lost interest in football over the past several years anyway so me boycotting the NFL will not make any additional difference. If I start watching football again I might just be a Dallas Cowboys fan. Jerry Jones loves his team, loves his city and loves his country and flat out told his team they will stand during the National Anthem or be fired. Now that's how you handle it. If the NFL would follow suit might rekindle my interest. #NOTFORLONG

Honoring our country and our flag has nothing to do with our current president. It has nothing to do with the police, firefighters or any other civil servant. It has nothing to do with race. It has nothing to do with religion. I truly believe in the freedom of speech. However for you to have this freedom in the US of A you should first honor those that have fought and died to bring you this freedom. Choose another way to show your displeasure with whatever is in your crawl. Don't dishonor all of those that came before you to give you all the freedoms that you enjoy today. C'mon even the Canadian Hockey players stand for our National Anthem - if they can respect it then so can you. Hats off to Alejandro Villanueva for his service and his choice to stand to honor America. I am sure that Pat Tillman is shedding a tear in heaven right now!

As for Bruce Maxwell of the Oakland Athletics - its a good thing that I am not John J. Fisher or any voting member of the Oakland A's board of directors because you would have been pink slipped that night. Heck maybe before the game even started! If you can't honor the flag for 2 minutes before go to work (playing baseball) then you wouldn't ever do if for me.

Coach Bale

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