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to be thankful

What are you thankful for this holiday season? Like most I have so much to be thankful. I am thankful for my health, my family, my job, my friends and of course my God. Some of the things that we take for granted every day. I never want to take any of these things for granted. The most important things are those that you get to share with friends and family. So It thought I would share the following.

Think about the first Thanksgiving. In 1621, the colonists in Plymouth celebrated with the local Wampanoag Indians and shared an autumn feast. What did they have to be thankful? How about just staying alive. I can't even begin to imagine life in New England in the 1600s. Are you kidding me? Just thinking about it makes me thankful that I wasn't born then. Yikes. I'm grateful that they survived and started this great tradition. However it wasn't for 242 years later when Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be honored in November. - Thanks to for the quick lesson on Thanksgiving.

Anyone that knows me knows how thankful I am for baseball. MLB Columnist Terence Moore has a great article titled "Ten great reasons to be thankful for baseball". Of course he wrote the article last year but its still a great read. I guess I could write my ten great reasons to be thankful for baseball. I'll make a list instead of writing a column about it.

#10 - Only team sport without a clock

#9 - Yankees didn't make the playoffs this year

#8 - except for travel ball pool play games there is always a winner (no ties)

#7 - all other sports play on a court or a is played on a diamond

#6 - baseball is played predominantly in the summer (hot months)

#5 - throwing BP to Ben Revere

#4 - all the boys that I have coached over the past 15 years

#3 - Champions Baseball School

#2 - playing catch with Ryan Bale

#1 - I get to do it everyday with some of the best baseball people I know.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Coach Bale




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