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here comes the cold

Here I am winterizing Champions, a month later than I usually do it. Its still 62 degrees and sunny. I mean I'm not complaining...I love it. Global Warming...I'm a big fan. Anything is better than what's on the way. I mean I'm the guy that could bask in the glow of the sun in any of the brutally hot cities and love it. Atlanta, Miami, San Antonio, Phoenix are some of these cities that come to mind. If I never see another snow flake I would not be disappointed. However, I love Kentucky, almost everything about it. Kentucky's winter and early spring weather, not so much. Winter in Kentucky is always slow to start, but when old man winter gets here he is usually really mad and takes it out on all of us. Then when spring comes old man winter definitely likes to outstay his welcome. It must have been your welcome because I didn't invite him. I despise winter. I guess the fact that there is no baseball during the winter adds to my level of distaste for the cold weather. The fact that nature is so dormant in the winter is also so disheartening. Nothing disappoints me more that to see leave-less trees, dead lawns, and only getting to see the sun two or three hours per week. Oh yeah and don't get me started on being put back an hour so it gets dark here around 4:50 in the afternoon. Which of course begins this Sunday! Don't forget to turn your clocks back. I'll be happy to give back that hour on March 13th.

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